Our videos

The aye-aye

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Raphaël, a science educator at the Museum of Bordeaux, presents the aye-aye, an endangered lemur native to Madagascar.

The red squirrel

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Museum of Bordeaux director Nathalie presents the red squirrel, a rodent that guides visitors through the classification for living organisms.

The stenocara

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Chloe, a science educator at the Museum of Bordeaux, presents the stenocara, a beetle native to Africa that collects water from fog.

The Pyrenean desman

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Réjane, visitor manager at the Museum of Bordeaux, presents the Pyrenean desman, a mammal with a long snout.

The natterjack toad

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Sybil, a science educator at the Museum of Bordeaux, presents the natterjack toad, a colourful amphibian with a very loud call.

The koala

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Laurie, a science educator at the Museum of Bordeaux, presents the koala, an endangered marsupial native to Australia.

The Egyptian vulture

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Raphaël, a science educator at the Museum of Bordeaux, presents the Egyptian vulture, a scavenger that is capable of using tools.

The Haetera piera butterfly

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Marthe, a science educator at the Museum of Bordeaux, presents the amber phantom, a butterfly with translucent wings.

The kiwi

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Sybil, a science educator at the Museum of Bordeaux, presents the kiwi, an unusual bird native to New Zealand.