Participate and support

Expositions, acquisitions, restaurations, aménagements muséographiques, développement de l’accessibilité, de la médiation ou du multimédia, le Muséum de Bordeaux a besoin de vous pour mener à bien ses nombreux projets.


Les projets qui recherchent leurs mécènes

Les expositions
l Les expositions temporaires 2024
. ILLUSTRATIONS, entre sciences et art
. Migrations du vivant
l Les futures expositions semi-permanentes

Soutien au service pédagogique
l Soutien à la programmation d’Education Artistique et Culturelle (EAC)
. Un chercheur sachant chercher
. Parrainage de deux écoles de Bordeaux

Soutien aux dispositifs d'accessibilités
l Déploiement du Sac FACIL
l Développement des supports FALC, Facile A Lire et à Comprendre
l Production de supports digitaux adaptés : vidéos
La création d’ateliers inclusifs

Soutien au service des collections
l La restauration des spécimens
l L’acquisition de spécimens

Soutien au développement culturel
l Soutien à la programmation culturelle : événements et autres...


Les projets qui ont vu le jour grâce à l'investissement de nos mécènes

Communication et événement
Depuis 2023, la société Keolis renforce la communication des expositions temporaires, par de l'affichage dans les bus et de la communication digitale en station. En 2024, ce soutien est renouvelé pour la visibilité des deux expositions temporaires. 
l Une soirée concours de mèmes, co-construite avec la Carte jeune, a permis de faire connaître autrement les collections à un public d'adolescents et jeunes adultes. Le média Le Bonbon était également partenaire de la soirée.

Création d’un atelier inclusif « Littoral sensoriel » à destination d’un public malvoyant. Mécénat financier du groupe DUVAL.
Aide à la médiation avec l’achat de casques audios, nouvelle génération, grâce au soutien financier d’une entreprise du territoire.
Musée des tout-petits avec la Toque cuivrée.

Participation à la scénographie de l’exposition temporaire « Nous et les autres » de l’entreprise SECM par la réalisation d’un décor de portique d’aéroport. C’est le dispositif muséographique immersif qui permet aux visiteurs de se projeter dans l’expérience de l’exposition et d’intégrer la notion d’essentialisation.

Acquisition et restauration
Lors de la levée de fonds citoyenne relative à la naturalisation du rhinocéros Kata Kata, Studio Kubik a participé à la réalisation du graphisme présent sur les contreparties pour les donateurs (tee-shirt, pins et mug).



The Museum of natural history of Bordeaux – Science and nature start in 2019, his first crowdfunding to have it mounted Kata Kata a black rhinoceros

Contribute to and support the Museum of Bordeaux!

From managing exhibitions, acquisitions, restorations and museum displays to developing accessibility, education programmes and multimedia installations, the Museum of Bordeaux handles a host of projects which could not be done without your support.

Companies and foundations

By becoming a patron of the Museum of Bordeaux, your company can enjoy 60% tax relief on the amount of its donation up to a maximum of 0.5% of the company’s annual revenue. If a company exceeds this limit, the excess can be carried forward to the next five financial years (Law of 1 August 2003). Donations are not subject to VAT and are established through an agreement signed between the Museum of Bordeaux and the patron.

There are three different ways to be a patron.

  • Donating money
  • Donating equipment
  • Donating skills

In supporting the Museum of Bordeaux, your company will be closely associated with the museum and its image promoted among your customers, partners and employees.
Being a patron is also an original and positive message to use in communications to raise your brand profile.

Regarded as true partners, patrons of the Museum of Bordeaux play an important role in sustaining our institution.

Patrons will also receive additional benefits up to a value of 25% of the donation.

  • Promotion of your brand in our communications media

Your company name or logo in communications media, promotion on the museum website and in the museum newsletter, etc.

  • Complementary admission

Free exhibition tickets for your employees and customers, VIP invitations for exhibition launches, etc.

  • Use of the museum function areas

The Museum of Bordeaux has a selection of reception spaces to host your private events. Choose from the 18th century salon, the Relaxation square or the terrace to host drinks receptions or public events (depending on the size)

Contact us

Private donors

Any donation however big or small from private donors is essential to help the Museum of Bordeaux to grow. As a donor, you will receive 66% tax relief on the value of your donation up to a maximum annual limit of 20% of your taxable income (under the Aillagon Law).

Collection donations and bequests

If you would like to donate all or part of your collections to the Museum of Bordeaux, please fill out the form.

The following organisations support the Museum of Bordeaux

The Museum of Bordeaux would like to express its warmest gratitude to patrons and partners for their loyalty and support.

The logo of the Crédit agricole which support financially the Museum of natural history of Bordeaux – Science and nature

The Fondation Crédit Agricole d’Aquitaine supports projects in the areas of personal autonomy and regional heritage. In 2019, the Foundation helped the Museum of Bordeaux with its reopening and other projects.

The logo of Duval Atlantique which participate at the projects of the Museum of natural history, now called Museum of Bordeaux – Science and nature. They help the museum to create workshops for persons with disabilities

Exclusive patron for disability projects
Duval leads large-scale projects focusing on the challenges of tomorrow’s world. The group is collaborating with the Museum on a workshop adapted to participants with disabilities.

The Logo of la Toque cuivrée which create a canelés box at the effigy of the Museum of natural history of Bordeaux – Science and nature. They support by this patronage the Early years museum.

As another sign of its commitment to the region, La Toque Cuivrée is contributing to the preservation of Bordeaux’ heritage. Joining forces with the Museum of Bordeaux, La Toque Cuivrée supports the Early years Museum.

The logo of Arthus Bertrand which created bracelet draw from the balustrade of the stair of the Hostel of Lisleferme in which the Museum of Bordeaux – Science and nature presente his collections of specimens.

Maison Arthus-Bertrand, which has its roots in French craftsmanship, was inspired by the handrail on the Museum of Bordeaux’ staircase for the design of one of its silver cuff links.

The logo of the Station Ausone which created a video about the reopening of the Museum of natural history of Bordeaux now called Museum of Bordeaux – Science and nature.

Station-Ausone is a portal for cultural life in Bordeaux. The Mollat bookshop’s webzine, Station-Ausone offered to capture the inauguration of the Museum of Bordeaux on camera.

The Logo of le Château des Arras which offer the wine for the inauguration of the Museum of Bordeaux – Science and nature

Championing the Museum of Bordeaux in its efforts to raise awareness about environmental protection and respect for biodiversity is a key component of Château des Arras’ guiding mission.

The Logo of Kaufman & Broad which support financially the Museum of natural history of Bordeaux – Science and nature

Kaufman & Broad has grown its real estate development and construction business in France over 50 years. This sector leader is proud to lend its support to the Museum of Bordeaux.

The logo of the Crédit Municipal which did a donation to the Museum of natural history of Bordeaux – Science and nature. They had been allowed to visit the exhibition with a comment of the scientific statement wich is the nature as seen by humans.

Crédit Municipal, a municipal lending and social assistance body, supports the Museum of Bordeaux in its endeavours. Its funding will help the museum develop current and future projects.

The logo of SECM Which support the Museum of natural history of Bordeaux during his crownfunding for Kata Kata a black rhinoceros.

Bespoke packaging and box manufacturer SECM has lent support to the Museum of Bordeaux through its crowdfunding campaign to have Kata Kata, a very rare black rhinoceros, stuffed.

For the crowndfunding for Kata Kata, the Museum of natural history – Science and nature works with Kubik for the design of the black rhinoceros Kata Kata.

Design studio Kubik has assisted the Museum of Bordeaux with its crowdfunding efforts by designing the visual for the Kata Kata black rhino campaign.

The Ceca participated to the crowdfunding for Kata Kata which will arrive at the Museum of Bordeaux – Science and nature in december.

Le CECA participated to the crowndfunding for the black rhinoceros Kata Kata.
The rhino will arrive at the Museum of Bordeaux - Science and nature during the month of december.


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