Years 7 to 10
It’s incredible to believe that living organisms weighing less than 10 grams can cross entire continents, deserts and oceans. Even more impressive is that our feathered friends return to the exact same spot, coming home to their nest following a precise route using the Earth's magnetic field to guide them.
The definition of migration is the regular seasonal movement between two distinct regions by all or some individuals of a bird species. We make a distinction between a hibernation destination and a breeding or nesting site. Sedentary birds do not migrate.
Diets and feeding strategies vary wildly between bird species.
They can be nectarivores, frugivores, granivores or herbivores. Others are carrion feeders, fish-eaters, carnivores, insectivores, planktivores and even blood-eating sanguivores! Simply observing a bird’s beak can tell us a lot about a bird’s diet.
After the facilitator presents the idiosyncrasies of this amazing group, pupils will identify the feeding methods of different specimens presented by observing the shape and form of their beak and legs which are remarkably adaptive to the type of food they eat and their habitat.
With reference to a slideshow and various learning resources, the facilitator will then explain about bird ringing and the scientific interest in monitoring populations subject to environmental and climatic constraints. This will serve as the basis for describing the different stages of migration of the birds presented.
Workshop aims:
- Get to know the characteristics of birds
- Explore the diversity of the bird world
- Learn about their diet and migratory behaviour
- Develop observation skills
- Present and reason an argument and improve oral expression
During the workshop, the facilitator will present a slideshow and a selection from the Museum of Bordeaux collections. Participants will also be introduced to learning resources specially devised for the workshop.
To book a workshop of The Museum comes to you and on all administrative matters, the secretariat is listening to you.
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