Illustrations : science and art

Illustrations, entre sciences et art
Tous les bébés
Mange-moi, si tu peux !
Littoral aquitain
La nature vue par les Hommes
Exhibition type
Target audience
General public
Exposition Illustration, entre sciences et art au Muséum de Bordeaux - sciences et nature

Discover the archival treasures of the Muséum Bordeaux - Sciences et Nature and the Botanical Garden of Bordeaux in a joint exhibition. Through a selection of works, you will be able to explore the wealth of naturalist illustrations.

One exhibition, two sites
Muséum Bordeaux - Sciences et Nature and the Botanical Garden of Bordeaux

The exhibition, titled “Illustrations: Science and Art” invites you to discover naturalist illustration, organised into disciplines at the Museum: various branches of zoology, as well as mineralogy, stratigraphy and palaeontology. Natural specimens, fossils and minerals are presented alongside the works from the archive’s historic collection.
At the Botanical Garden, various illustration techniques are showcased, as well as the work of botanist Armand Clavaud through his educational plates.

Beyond their aesthetic value, these illustrations raise the question of how they should be categorised: as works of art or of science?

The exhibition has been designed with large reproductions of the illustration plates, making it possible for visitors to appreciate each detail of these heritage works.