6 legs

Target audience
Young visitors
The Museum of natural history of Bordeaux – Science and nature propose a workshop about insects and butterflies. The off-site worshops is proposed by The Museum of natural history of Bordeaux – Science and nature to help children to discover animals and insects.

Nursery and primary to Year 2

Insects are funny little creatures, aren’t they? Most baby insects don't look anything like their parents. Larvae or nymphs, they have a completely different appearance. In many cases, they don’t live with their parents and have a different lifestyle. However, once they reach adulthood, they all have six legs, two antennae and three main body parts. The number of wings adds a degree of flexibility: 2, 4 or none at all! There is further diversity in terms of shape, colour, diet, habitat and other factors. With an estimated several million species, insects are the most populous animals on the planet.

It’s often difficult to tell if a ‘minibeast’ is an insect or not. Is every young animal with lots of legs and the ability to fly an insect? And if it can't fly? Is a spider an insect? And a red ant? Or a furry caterpillar?

In the first part, the facilitator will tell an interactive story bringing to life three soft insect toys: a fly, a mosquito and an ant. Guided by riddles, children will have to guess which animal the facilitator is hiding behind their back then learn about the anatomical features and lifestyle of each insect.

Learning resources include stuffed insects and a slideshow.

The activities that follow will allow the children to explore in a fun and more detailed way some of the ideas and concepts raised in the first part of the session.

Workshop aims:

  • Describe and know the common characteristics of insects
  • Learn how some familiar insects eat, reproduce and behave and understand their role in nature
  • See insects in a more positive light
  • Observe and learn by handling real specimens
  • Understand a short information text read by an adult

During the workshop, the facilitator will present a slideshow and a selection from the Museum of Bordeaux collections. Participants will also be introduced to learning resources specially devised for the workshop.

To book a workshop of The Museum comes to you and on all administrative matters, the secretariat is listening to you.
By phone
: 05 24 57 65 30
By e-mail: museum@mairie-bordeaux.fr

The Museum of natural history of Bordeaux – Science and nature propose to children to discover topics about insects with device off-site worshops of Museum comes to you.
Nursery and primary to Year 2